Even though most of the website-related work is done from a laptop, there still are times when you need to access your projects via a mobile device. For example, you need to change the password, publish or delete the project, or probably check your subscription status.
So, it’s crucial to know whether your website builder has a mobile version. Luckily, with Boxmode, you won’t have to worry about that.
Mobile menu overview
By clicking the account icon in the right corner of the dashboard, you’ll get a drop-down menu with the following tabs: Account settings, Help Center and Log out.
You can change your name, email address, and password through the Account settings button.
The Help Center button redirects you to the Help Center, where you can find articles and guides about various dashboard settings and builder functionality. The Log out button does just that, logging you out from the account.
Managing account from a mobile device
There are five main sections on the mobile version of the dashboard.
- Dashboard. Here you can find the last project you’ve worked on and a bunch of useful links, for instance, to the Facebook community or Help Center articles.
- Projects. This section allows you to access your projects.
- Account. You can manage your user information, including name, email address, and password on this tab.
- Billing and Payment. You can connect a new payment method on this tab by entering your credit card data and clicking the Connect button. There are also shown the invoices and connected payment methods. To find out more about managing your payments, check out the Managing Payments article.
- Subscriptions. You can review your active and final subscriptions in this section. You can also upgrade active subscriptions. To learn more, check out the Managing Subscriptions article.
Managing projects from a mobile device
Let’s talk about how you can manage your projects from a mobile phone.
If your project doesn’t have a paid plan, there’ll be an Upgrade button next to your project on the dashboard. The ellipsis button allows you to access Project Settings tab, Publish, and Delete buttons.
With Publish and Delete buttons, you can publish and delete projects. After clicking the Publish button, you’ll see a Successful Publish pop-up saying, “Congratulations! Your website has been successfully published.” Under that sign, there’s a clickable link to your website. After clicking the Delete button, you’ll see a pop-up asking to confirm the action.
Project Settings
When you press Project Settings tab, you can:
- Change the project’s name
- Add/change the project’s description
- Change a favicon
Once you accessed Project Settings, press General info at the top of the page. Next, choose Analytics from a drop-down menu. Now you can connect your preferred analytics tools to the project.
Desktop dashboard features
Not every feature is available via a mobile version. You’ll see a notification “Some functionality is limited on this device” in corresponding sections.
You’ll need to log into your account via the desktop to get the opportunity to:
- Create new projects
- Edit your website and change its content
- Manage and customize widgets
- Work with domains
If you need to access specific features using your mobile phone, send a request to our support team via a contact form.
We fully described the desktop version in our Dashboard Overview article, so feel free to check it out.
Now it’s time for you to test the mobile version yourself! Try to set up the project using the builder from your mobile phone.
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