If you want to customize textual elements on your pages, you can use an Inline Editor. The tool lets you edit textual content directly on the page without being redirected to a separate edit page. 

Boxmode offers the Inline Editor for setting up typography basic elements (Quote and Text). You can learn more about basic elements in our Basic Elements Overview article.

To start working with the text’s settings, double click the text you want to edit, and the Inline Editor will appear.

Text Inline Editor’s Options

The Text Inline Editor provides various options for customizing text. 

Heading tags

Here, you can specify the text’s style range (H1–H6, a paragraph). It is essential for SEO (search engine optimization) to divide textual content into paragraphs and add headings. This way, search engine crawlers can quickly inspect the pages and rank their content. And since headings make text structured, people can read it more efficiently.


It’s recommended to have only one H1 heading on the page.

Find out more information about SEO settings for pages and projects.

Font family

There is a list of common fonts. You can choose the font and its parameters:

  • 100 – Thin;
  • 200 – Extra light;
  • 300 – Light;
  • 400 – Regular;
  • 500 – Medium;
  • 600 – Semi bold;
  • 700 – Bold;
  • 800 – Extra bold;
  • 900 – Black.

Text size

The font size means how large the characters displayed on a screen are. Specify it by picking from 8 to 72 points.

Text style

Here, you can style the text by setting its properties: bold, italic, underline, and line-through.

Text color

This option allows you to choose a suitable color for the text.

Text transform

Choose how the text will look. You can:

  • Capitalize all the words;
  • Lowercase all the words;
  • Uppercase all the words as in a sentence or a headline.

Text alignment

Here, it’s possible to define the text’s alignment: Left, Center, Right, and Justify.

Letter spacing

Customize the space between letters (in pixels) to change the text’s visual density.

Line height

Define the space above and below the text (in pixels). You can enable the Auto spacing option or add a specific value in the Line height field.

Numbered list

Enable this option if you want to display a numbered list.

Bulleted list

Use this option to add bullet points.

Insert link

Here you can link the text and adjust the link’s settings. Depending on what option you choose in the Action type field (To URL, Jump to page, Email, Phone, and Download file), you will see different settings. 

  • To URL: You need to type the URL you want to link to in a corresponding field. It’s possible to enable the Open in New Tab option and customize the Advanced link settings (if you have the Growth plan).
  • Jump to page: You can choose a specific linked page on the site from the dropdown menu. There is also the Open in New Tab option. 
  • Email: Add an email address that people can use to get in touch with you. 
  • Phone: Insert a phone number.

Phone links only work on devices that can make phone calls.

  • Download file: Use this option if you want to add the link to a downloaded file. Paste the file’s URL or choose a file from the Assets Library. Enable the Open in the New Tab option, if necessary.


Click the refresh button to reset the text’s settings to default ones.

We hope this article helped you understand how to customize textual content on your website using the Inline Editor.

Now it’s time to review the Inline Editor’s options.

Go to Editor